
How to Configure Odoo 11 in PyCharm A Comprehensive Guide


Odoo is a versatile open-source ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) platform, and PyCharm is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for Python. Combining the two can greatly enhance your Odoo development experience. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of configuring Odoo 11 in PyCharm.


Before we start, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place


Odoo is built primarily using Python, so make sure you have Python 3.x installed on your system.

Odoo 11

Download and install Odoo 11. You can obtain the official Odoo source code from the Odoo GitHub repository


Install PyCharm on your system. You can download the community edition for free from the JetBrains website.


Install Git if it’s not already on your system. Git is crucial for version control and managing the Odoo source code.

Configuring Odoo 11 in PyCharm

Follow these steps to configure Odoo 11 in PyCharm:

Step 1: Clone the Odoo Repository

Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to store the Odoo source code. Clone the Odoo 11 repository using Git:

git clone --depth 1 --branch 11.0 --single-branch .

This command clones the Odoo 11 repository into your current directory.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment

To keep your Odoo project isolated, create a virtual environment. Run the following command inside your Odoo project folder:

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment:

  • On macOS and Linux
  source venv/bin/activate
  • On Windows

Step 3: Install Required Dependencies

Install the necessary Python packages using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This command installs all the Python packages required by Odoo.

Step 4: Configure Odoo Server

Now, configure the Odoo server by creating a configuration file named odoo.conf in your project directory:

touch odoo.conf

Edit the odoo.conf file and add the following content as a starting point:

; This is the password that allows database operations:
admin_passwd = admin
db_host = False
db_port = False
db_user = odoo
db_password = False
addons_path = /path/to/odoo/addons
logfile = /path/to/odoo/odoo.log

Replace /path/to/odoo/addons and /path/to/odoo/odoo.log with the actual paths to your Odoo addons folder and log file.

Step 5: Create a PyCharm Project

Open PyCharm and create a new Python project in the directory where you cloned the Odoo repository. PyCharm will automatically detect the existing virtual environment.

Step 6: Configure the Python Interpreter

In PyCharm, go to File > Settings > Project > Python Interpreter. Select the virtual environment you created earlier.

Step 7: Create a Run Configuration

  • Go to Run > Edit Configurations.
  • Click the “+” button to add a new configuration and select “Python”.
  • In the “Script Path” field, enter the path to the Odoo server script (odoo-bin) in your project directory.
  • In the “Parameters” field, enter -c /path/to/odoo.conf, replacing /path/to/odoo.conf with the actual path to your configuration file.
  • Set the working directory to your Odoo project folder.
  • Click “OK” to save the configuration.

Step 8: Start Odoo Server

You can now start the Odoo server from PyCharm by selecting your newly created run configuration and clicking the “Run” button. The PyCharm console should display the Odoo server startup messages.


Configuring Odoo 11 in PyCharm allows you to leverage a powerful IDE for your Odoo development projects. With this setup, you can easily manage your code, test custom modules, and debug issues more efficiently.

As you delve deeper into Odoo development, you’ll appreciate PyCharm’s features like code completion, debugging tools, and version control integration, which will make your development tasks smoother and more productive.

Now you’re ready to embark on your journey as an Odoo developer with the full power of PyCharm at your disposal. Happy coding!

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